Justice for Flint Families
is Long Overdue.
Justice for Flint Families
is Long Overdue.

Government officials caused the crisis, and then tried to cover their tracks to avoid admitting their mistakes. Not a single one has been held accountable for their failures or lies.
Meanwhile, trial attorneys are set to walk away with roughly $200 million, while Flint victims have yet to see a dime from the $626+ million Flint Water Crisis settlement.
Trial Attorneys
Exploiting the Crisis
Trial Attorneys
Exploiting the Crisis

U.S. District Judge Judith Levy issued an opinion and order that attorney fees and expenses will account for roughly $200 million of the total $626.25 million Flint Water Crisis settlement - leaving Flint residents a maximum of a few thousand dollars each, while their lawyers walk away with millions of dollars.
Moreover, as of January 2024, Flint residents have yet to see a dime from their settlement.
Lawyers and claims administrators have already received partial payments, but Flint residents have yet to see a dime.

"It might be normal, but it's not ethical. It's immoral!... You were fighting for the children? Well, what were you fighting for?!? Because if you take 200 million off the top, what does that leave them?"
Jury Rejects Attempt to Scapegoat VNA
Jury Rejects Attempt to Scapegoat VNA
VNA has faced and is still facing false allegations in connection to its work in Flint, which was extremely limited in scope and occurred nearly a year into the water crisis.
In a trial that took place in 2022, meritless allegations of the plaintiffs’ lawyers failed to convince the jury, which ultimately rejected their attempts to deflect blame from the government officials who caused the crisis by creating a scapegoat out of VNA.
The first trial was a waste of time, energy, and money and underscored the fact that VNA gave good advice to the people in charge in Flint, but that advice was ignored.