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Jury Rejects Attempt to

Scapegoat VNA

VNA continues to face false allegations in connection to its work in Flint. In 2022, a jury rejected these shameless attempts to scapegoat VNA, and we are confident that future jurors would do the same.

  • Justice for Flint families can only happen when those who are truly responsible for what happened are finally held accountable for their actions.
  • The evidence in this trial will show – just as it did in the previous trial – that Flint officials hid the truth from VNA’s engineers. 
  • VNA went to Flint to try to help the people of Flint, whose leaders had cast aside their needs in favor of saving a few bucks for the state. 
  • The fault for this crisis lies with the government officials who made every single decision that caused and prolonged the crisis. 
  • Those same government officials lied to VNA and the people of Flint, ignored the complaints of their citizens, and dismissed VNA’s recommendations. 
  • Despite being hamstrung by bad information provided by government officials, VNA’s engineers did good work in Flint.
  • Tragically, all but one of VNA’s recommendations were ignored by the officials in charge, and VNA had no power to do anything about it. 

In 2022, VNA defended itself against meritless allegations about its work in Flint in front of a jury. The trial, which lasted six months, resulted in the jury rejecting the plaintiffs’ lawyers attempts to scapegoat VNA, which would have allowed them to profit even more off the crisis.

The fact remains that government officials caused the crisis – full stop. VNA will continue to rigorously defense itself against false allegations.

The people of Flint deserve justice. It is a disgrace that more than a decade since the crisis was set in motion, not a single government official has been held accountable. Worse, trial lawyers are making hundreds of millions of dollars off the people of Flint.

For Flint families to get

real justice,

it is time to focus on who actually is behind the Flint water crisis – the government officials who caused and prolonged this catastrophe – rather than debunked allegations against entities that had no role in triggering the crisis.